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The comic is officially back to weekly updates! Since the original page for today wasn't all that much, you get two instead :)

And today I finally get to scream more about the book! Which book you ask? (Have you been reading these author notes at all lately?) Well, this book:


The Artist Edition is currently available as Pre-Order only, since I don't want to order too many books at once and would like an informed estimate as to how many I need to order. (This is basically why the update is a tiny bit late, had to do so much more stuff surrounding this than I anticipated...)

Also, the patreon will shut down this weekend and the focus will then lie with Ko-Fi only. Send that caffeine my way for additional pages!


And last, but not least here are a few more people that made it into SpiderForest recently:

Earth in a Pocket: Anthropologist-turned-astronaut Halisi Mwangi’s lifelong mission is to bring the past to the stars. One unexpected malfunction later, however, and Halisi is space-shipwrecked on a strange alien world. As she struggles to survive and find a way back home, she finds herself with a new mission: to teach the local alien denizens about humanity, armed with only the contents of her pockets.

Faction:In the game of MUlate, players are sorted into Factions and must fight for domination. Emma Martina – a well known sponsored player – has played MUlate since it first launched, but with her Faction on the brink of elimination and mounting pressure from her sponsors, she begins to wonder how long she has before she’s out of a job.

Temerity: Taeru is a very serious genetically enhanced super-soldier. Naia is a less serious sugar-addicted mercenary. Together they’re the best work-for-hire duo in the galaxy. In an intergalactic world of mechas, brain hacking, and terrible pun t-shirts, Taeru and Naia spend their days performing daring missions for their clients and fighting their own personal demons. Now they’re embarking on the most dangerous mission yet: taking down the organization that created Taeru—and attempting to keep their partnership strictly professional.

Gifts of Wandering Ice: “Gifts of wandering ice” is a sci-fi comic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs. These things, the “ice gifts”, can be anything from frozen ancient trash to valuable technology and even living creatures. Studying ice gifts is dangerous but it’s the only way to restore the forgotten history of humanity.