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Not entirely human... Well, I feel him. These past two weeks have been something. Work's been a beast, though not unexpectedly so. On top of that I'm still knee deep into preparations for next month's crowdfunding campaign to finance a print run for the comic. Lots of things are happening behind the scenes, which I want to talk about:

First of all, comic pages are scheduled to the last. The comic will end on July 21st concluding on Page 371. There will be two pages a week while the crowdfunding campaign is live, so there's something to look forward to!

Second, as mentioned the crowdfunding preparations are in full swing. Most of the extras have been drawn by now and only need to be set up properly for creation. As of now the book cover for Vol. 2 and the KS video are unfinished. I'll be working on the former during tomorrow's stream and then concentrate on the latter for the remainder of the month, as I decided to give animation a try. I already feel like this was a mistake, but I'm also excited!

Third, affects the comment section mostly. There's been a recent influx of p0rn bot comments. I try to get to them as quickly as possible, but it might be I forget to check comments. I've ticked a box in disqus to withhold comments containing links for manual approval. I'm not sure if this will work, as some other creators had issues despite enabling this setting. Usually these bots run through once after a page has been posted, so the scope is managable at least.

Fourth, I plan to do some house cleaning in April/May. This mostly concerns the URL for my portfolio site and I doubt much will be noticable on this site, but I figured I should give you an early heads up nonetheless.

Fifth, once the crowdfunding (and potential fulfilment) is done I'll also need to sit down and think about Patreon again. At the moment you can read the entire comic there, or 5 pages ahead, depending on pledge level. But I'll need to think about some longterm use of the platform again or close it.

And sixth, cause I'm forgot last week: Happy New Year :)