This scene changed a lot from what I called "finished script" a year ago. It was trimmed down a lot, because the chapter is already the longest in the comic and I really wanted to get it done haha. In the end I feel it's working a lot better, too.
Since I've finished drawing the chapter already, I finally found time to give the website some finishing touches and get other small-ish tasks out of the way.
- The gallery got an update with more art done over the past six months. It is technically outdated again, since I've drawn more stuff since. :P
- The sidebar is 90% complete and the remaining 10% are more coding work than I want to do at this point. I'm just gonna hope that Ko-Fi will implement the funding goals as a widget one day. On that note we're 13 coffees away from an extra update. :)
- I went back to the Kanar-pages and re-did her word balloons to look right. I forgot that hers are special for nearly a year and then just rolled with it for a couple more pages haha
- While I was at that, I updated Page 44 with a couple more words to make things clearer.
- Ads are back on the website. A couple of buttons by the ComicAd network. The network seems to focus on comics exclusively for now. My adblocker also lets the ads through, but if you feel they're a concern you can block them manually. I just want a couple of cents every now and again to reinvest in ad space out of this :P
And something I forgot to mention in the past two updates: I've finally put a vote incentive up again. This one's dealing with the babies-ever-after trope, cause I'm a sucker for this. But let me say right now: they just exist to be vote bait. Or do they? ;) No guarantees haha
Speaking of vote bait, I want to put a bunch of characters into outfits from different time periods, which one would you be most interested in?
(Now that's a wall of text haha)