comic image

Sincato realises something and agrees. Was that a mistake? Tune in next week to find out or skip time and become a patron :D

So, you might've noticed that the website looks a little different: There's a new logo plastered everywhere and over there (->) are a few more buttons. I'm guessing the first was easier to see haha

A while back, when I realised that soon, very soon, I'd like to print this comic I realised I never fulfilled a promise to myself. Starting out with this comic, I just scribbled a logo down. I had literally no idea how to logo. So I just went with something handwritten and ran into many a problem along the way. Firstly, I drew it too small and enlarging a drawn logo is a pain. Secondly, it looked amateurish. Thirdly, even back then I knew I wanted something else, but had no idea how to.

So a while back, when I realised that soon, very soon, I'd like to print this comic I realised I still needed a proper logo. A weekend of scouring fonts later I finally had something I liked, the thing you can see now.

Next week I'll bring you the cover for the book. I really like how it turned out and for the curious: yes, Patrons do get to see it already :)